What is artificial intelligence (AI)? What does it mean for our live? And how can your career take
advantage of it? TJPU-UOW computer vision Laboratory will help you answer these questions.
Focusing on key AI technologies, such as machine learning, information processing, and robotics, our lab will help you understand the implications of these new technologies for social good, as well as medical engineering. With guide by the instructors and seniors we will learn the related principles and the tools to implement AI algorithm. Additionally, the program will emphasize the extension of our personal growth.
Focusing on key AI technologies, such as machine learning, information processing, and robotics, our lab will help you understand the implications of these new technologies for social good, as well as medical engineering. With guide by the instructors and seniors we will learn the related principles and the tools to implement AI algorithm. Additionally, the program will emphasize the extension of our personal growth.